Monday, 20 May 2013

Welcome to my Bucket List

I've decided that I'm cool with only updating this blog every now and again. It's interesting to read back through these blogs so that I can realise that, although it may be at snail's pace, I am making some kind of progress in my life.

Anyway, I thought I'd share with you my bucket list - a list of things I want to do before I die. I haven't done very much of it, but I'm desperately trying to keep myself inspired, so here goes (ones in green are ones I have completed):

1.  Sing in front of an audience of at least one hundred
2.  Make a video with at least one thousand hits on Youtube

Okay, it may only be three seconds long, but I'm on 1002 so far!

3. Go to a My Chemical Romance gig
4. Meet My Chemical Romance
5. Go to an Evanescence gig
6. Learn to play piano
7. Go to a gig with my MCRmy friends
8. Follow an MCR tour
9. Write a book
10. See Les Miserables at the theatre
11. Go to university (even if it was for four months...)
12. Have children
13. Get married
14. Make a difference to somebody’s life (I'd like to think I have achieved this one)
15. Have enough money to live comfortably
16. Be a bridesmaid for a friend
17. Have a swimming pool in my back garden
18. Live near the sea
19. Create a collage of what my ideal life would be (I'm starting working on this right after I finish this blog)
20. Kiss in the rain
21. Go on a tour (as in music tour, from a behind-the-scenes point of view)
22. Visit Italy
23. Visit Paris (July!!)
24. Visit America
25. Visit The Grand Canyon
26. See the Northern Lights
27. Visit Niagara Falls
28. Go to Disney World (with kids)
29. Go on holiday with friends
30. Travel the south coast of England in a campervan
31. Go on a road trip with no destination
32. Go on a penny walk (flip a coin for left/right at each junction)
33. Complete Race For Life again
34. Go ice skating
35. Ride a horse on a beach
36. Go on a helicopter ride
37. Get a tattoo
38. Have a picnic in the sun with friends
39. Make a movie/music video with friends
40. Go Zorbing
41. Ride a rollercoaster
42. Go to a psychic
43. Get a massage
44. Ride on a sledge being pulled by huskies
45. Go to an Ann Summers party
46. Hire a stripper/go to a party where there is a stripper
47. Raise money for a charity
48. Sleep under the stars
49. Have my portrait painted
50. Send a message in a bottle
51. Take a dance class
52. Do a 24 hour sponsored silence
53. Have my hair and make up done by a professional
54. Do a finger painting
55. Design my own dress and have it made
56. Make a scrapbook of something exciting
57. Win a pub quiz
58. Get into the Guinness Book of World Records
59. Buy something at Harrods
60. Buy a designer handbag (it may not have been the most expensive, but I'm counting my Jasper Conran bag)
61. Buy some shares of a company
62. Watch a sunrise and sunset on the same day
63. Put a pound away every day for a year
64. Walk on a beach by moonlight with the person I love
65. Have a star named after me
66. Tell someone the story of my life, sparing no details
67. Write a letter of complaint when I say I’m going to
68. Be better at DIY

If you have any questions about any of them, wish to add any suggestions or would like to share some of your own goals, drop me a comment!

P.S. I am aware that there is a "2." at the bottom of this blog, but I can't get rid of it. You have no idea how infuriating I find it.

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